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Results 1 - 16 of 19 Cobra Carbide 41930 Solid Carbide Turning Insert, CM02 Grade, Multilayer Coated, WNMG Style, CM Chipbreaker, WNMG 431, 3/16" Thick,
There are 0 employees that match 'DHHS/CMS/OA/OC/WNMG/DWO' in the CMS Employee Directory.
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A32X PWLN R/L 08, 32, 30, 22, 40. A40X PWLN R/L 08, 40, 30, 27, 50. A50X PWLN R/L 08, 50, 40, 35, 63. A60X PWLN R/L 08, 60, 40, 43, 80
REFERENCE, l, T, d, r, H, KM15, PM25, PM40, NC25, TIN16, TIN17, TIN22, TIN32, TIN35, ZR10. WNMG 432-CM, 0.320, 0.187, 0.500, 0.031, 0.203
Results 1 - 16 of 245 Kyocera WNMG 331HQ 80° Trigon / Positive with Hole Turning. Uncoated (Bright) Finish, WNMG Style, CM Chipbreaker, WNMG 331,
There are 0 employees that match 'DHHS/CMS/OA/OC/WNMG/DWO' in the CMS Employee Directory.
The team is within the Web and New Media Group (WNMG) in CMS' Office of Communications. WNMG is responsible for management and oversight of CMS'